Friday, September 3, 2010

Evie's room- post 1

For about the past month we have been working on Genevieve's room. It is very much in progress. . . but some of the fun projects are complete so I thought I would share a bit at a time. My mom came a little over a month ago and painted the room a light aqua color (thanks mom!). I then painted a few animals on the walls to kick up the fun. I say I painted. . . but really I used some sketches put onto an overhead projector and more traced these animals. 
The turtle is over by her crib. I think Mr. Turtle is a cutie.
Penguin over looks her dresser/changing table. 
Giraffe greets you when you come into her room. The wall color is all weird in this picture. I took quite a few and couldn't get the giraffe to show up in the pic without blowing the wall color out weird. . so use some imagination. Mr. Giraffe is my favorite. Evie has a rocking giraffe (like a rocking horse) and a few giraffe toys already. . . I hope she likes them because it's kind of becoming a trend. 

I will post more pics as more is done. There are other complete projects. . . but they are hidden behind ladders and cribs in the middle of the room and other project-in-project messes.


  1. Awwww...Genevieve, that is a beautiful name! And her room is SO cool and unique. Good job mama.
