This picture is a couple of weeks old. . . but I think we took it when I entered my 3rd trimester. Either way. . . I think I am bigger now. She is super active and kicks and squirms all the time. She likes it when Jonathan talks to her (or not even to her, but just when she hears his voice) and goes crazy moving around. Lots has been done in the nursery. . . I will post pictures soon of the work in progress. Just need to take them :)
For me, I think pregnancy is an exercise in remembering I am not in control. From pregnancy complications to Jonathan's job situation. . . I have been reminded again and again that trusting Jesus with our lives means just that (duh huh?). I forget that I wasn't promised an easy life, but a life that is full. The reality is that even when I feel like sciatic nerve pain is the worst thing ever. . . my life is pretty great. I think I struggle with looking beyond what is right in front of me. Today I worked standing on my feet for 9 hours with pain shooting down my legs. . and I know I have to do that 4 more times this week. . . and it just seems so overwhelming. If I could focus on the big picture. . . I would remember that in 2 1/2 months we will have a daughter. . . and when I think about her I feel joy not pain. My prayer tonight is that I would trust God fully and live in a spirit of thankfulness that He is entrusting to Jonathan and I the job of loving a raising this little girl.
Oh Michelle, you are so beautiful. I can't wait to see your baby girl. Hang in there. Ev and I know what it's like experiencing bumps and getting upset and worried about them, and then I always feel silly when God brings something better into the picture. Love you both.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful perspective Michelle. You are absolutely right, your baby girl will make all of the uncertainty and pain well worth it. I feel for you with the 9 hours on your feel...been there. Remember, YOU come first and people are there to help.
ReplyDeleteYou look fab and I can't believe Baby Van Winkle is a daddy's girl already ;) Looking forward to nursery pics!