In no particular order. . . and a totally incomplete list. . .
I am thankful for. . .
our healthy and beautiful baby girl. So much joy.
sunshine on cold days.
a house that has really become our home.
my Savior.
Jonathan not working outside our home during this season- such a blessing to both be home with our little girl for a while.
supportive friends who 'get' me . . . and love me anyways.
my husband and this season of our marriage.
family. Both our family of 3 and our extended family. . . we really are blessed with great family.
every moment between 11pm and 7am in which my daughter is sleeping.
God's constant provision for our needs.
Evie's smiles.
all of the pregnancy scares that stayed just scares. . . that although I spent 9 months of this year enduring a less than great pregnancy. . . the end result is so worth it.
kind neighbors.