Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ready for fall

So. . this isn't the best picture. . I took lots but it was hard to get a clear one but at least it shows you that the colors I am looking at are a lot more grey (I like the ones on the left better). My hubby doesn't want to go too dark. . .but I think with so many windows in that room (7 windows!) it is hard to go too dark. We had a pro come look at the floors today. He only thinks we need to refinish a few rooms. . . so I think we will just do our bedroom before we move in and wait on the rest. I am starting to get excited. . . only 6 days until we get our keys!!!

For those of you who don't live in Kansas anymore. . . I just want to say. . . it's HOT here!!! We have been under a heat advisory for a week! Today we started to transition into fall with our merchandise at work and while customer's say they are not ready to think about sweaters. . . I say BRING ON FALL!!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Our room

The master bedroom is upstairs. The floors are the worst in here. . . really need refinished. The windows are on 3 walls and the 4th wall has 3 doors to the bathroom, stairs, and closet. Pictures of the closet to come. . . . it's the only 'quirky' thing about the house I don't find charming.
The color I want to paint it has more grey in it than this blue. Do you like this color?
I need to get paint colors picked out this week. . so I will keep posting ideas. . . if you have any ideas for any of the rooms, leave a comment and let me know!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh boy

Ahhh. . . leave him home alone for 10 minutes. . . . his name should be Marley!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our house part 2

Family room. It was a garage once upon a time. . . but I don't think you can tell when you are in there.
Other view of the family room. The stairs go to the kitchen and the other door is to the basement.
North side of the kitchen. Door at the back goes downstairs to the family room. To the right of the door notice the 'tile' on the wall?? It's not tile. It's like a weird vinyl board with fake looking tile on the front of it. . . gotta love the 70's remodels! Good news is it will come down easily.
South side of the kitchen. The best (by which I mean funniest) part of the whole house is the story of the dishwasher. Okay. . so once upon a time where the dishwasher is used to be a door to go outside. When the decided to put in a dishwasher this seemed to be the logical place since there is another side door downstairs. I agree logical. . . but here is where it gets screwy. . . they LEFT THE DOOR THERE! So when you are outside, the stairs have been cut off and about 4 feet up there is a random door to no where- and on the inside there is a Mr. Ed type window that opens like a door and instead of a storm window behind it. . you have a door. Hmmm. . . We're going to wait to deal with that little piece of 'character' until next summer when we paint the outside. Ohh. . see the swinging door to the dinning room? I like that.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our house part 1

So here it is. It's cute I think. The next one is looking in the front door. If you were standing there you'd be in the living room looking through the dinning room into the kitchen.
Dinning room.

Living room from one end.

Living room from the other end.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

pretty plates

So I love how my friend Sam has plates on her wall in her dinning room check them out here. I would really like to have plates in my dinning room too so here are pics of the ones I have. I wouldn't say this if I didn't know only close friends will be reading this for a while. . . but if you ever come across a plate that makes you think of us. . . I'd love to have my plate collection be a fun reminder of my friends. 

So I'm blogging. . .

Well. . I love Amanda. . . and she asked me to start blogging. I promised that when we were buying a house I would. . . so here it goes. . .