So. . this isn't the best picture. . I took lots but it was hard to get a clear one but at least it shows you that the colors I am looking at are a lot more grey (I like the ones on the left better). My hubby doesn't want to go too dark. . .but I think with so many windows in that room (7 windows!) it is hard to go too dark. We had a pro come look at the floors today. He only thinks we need to refinish a few rooms. . . so I think we will just do our bedroom before we move in and wait on the rest. I am starting to get excited. . . only 6 days until we get our keys!!!
For those of you who don't live in Kansas anymore. . . I just want to say. . . it's HOT here!!! We have been under a heat advisory for a week! Today we started to transition into fall with our merchandise at work and while customer's say they are not ready to think about sweaters. . . I say BRING ON FALL!!!!!